Searching For the Perfect Look!

As a fashion fan, this is one of my favorite parts in creating our opening film: choosing the best outfits that go with the character's personality! People may not think clothes really matter in TV shows or movies, but in reality so much work goes into choosing the best outfits for each and every character. You may not think about it but there is a group of people who are in charge of choosing who wears what. In this case, that group of people is US! My group and I talked about how we want to dress up our characters and came up with some ideas.

For Margo, the female main character, we were looking for simple yet stylish. Margo is characterized as a rebellious teenager, so we wanted to take inspiration from someone like that. Therefore, we went with teen film 10 Things I Hate About You's Kat Stratford. Kat is known for being rebellious and not caring about what anyone thinks of her. She is true to herself and although may sometimes come across as a know-it-all, she has a kind heart and a vulnerable side that she lets few see. This is how we want Margo to be; fearless and rebellious but in a good way, not caring what anyone thinks of her and never being afraid to be herself.
Kat keeps it simple: jeans with a top and a pair of combat boots. She usually wears her hair up, and if she wears it down, it is her natural hair. She wear very little makeup, if any. As for jewelry, sometimes less is more, she usually just wears earrings and a simple necklace. I believe Kat has the perfect look we are searching for. Below are some outfit ideas inspired by Kat that we are thinking of using for Margo.

In the next post, I will be talking about our male character's, Liam, outfit choices. So stay tuned! 


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