Almost Halfway There!

Last class, we started working on our storyboard, concentrating on how we the credits were going to be presented. As you can see, we chose specific shots for the different parts of the credits. We also drew some kind of idea we had for how we wanted the credits to be presented. We decided to put the credits before, instead of at the end like many movies. We did this because many people may stop watching after the film opening is done and will miss the credits, but if they are at the beginning there's no way of missing them!

We took inspiration from many movies as we watched a Top 10 Opening Credit Sequences in Movies
video on YouTube. This video had many different and incredible movies' opening credit sequences. We really liked the example of the movie Zombieland that was used. The producers of Zombieland got really creative with the opening credits and presented them as if they were part of the action in the movie. For example, in one part a man runs through the credits and all the letters go flying everywhere around the screen. 
We wish to create something similar to this for our opening credits, but of course that go with our plot. As you can see on the storyboard, we thought of putting the credits on different items of clothing and as our main character packs them up, (as she is getting ready to run away from home) the credits disappear. The main shots we would use during this part would be POV shots and high angle shots so the audience is able to see them clearly. I cannot wait to work on the credits and see how it turns out!


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