Changes, Changes, and More Changes

Hey guys, welcome back! So, my group had notified me of some changes we are going to be making. I am sadly out of the country, but we have communicated through text to make sure I am aware of everything. We have been inspired by a scene in the film BUtterfield 8: we want to include a scene in which while Margo is looking at herself in the mirror while changing for school, an opening credit is shown in the corner written in lipstick.
Image result for butterfield 8 mirror writing

Furthermore, she could be painting her nails black, to show her rebellious side early in the film opening. A sound of her mom screaming she is going to be late for school causes her to spill the nail polish all over the floor or her bed, which we could use to write yet another credit. This then disappears when she desperately cleans it up to avoid being late for school. Below is an image of we are trying to go for. 
Image result for black nail polish spilled

Hopefully we have time to include these new creative ideas! Thank you for listening, see you next time!


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