And Even More About the Credits!

Hey guys, welcome back! It is now spring break and I am still out of the country, but that does not mean the filming is on a break. I have talked to my team mates daily to see how we are doing and made some important decisions about the filming process. Yesterday we talked more about the credits and the specifics: what order they will appear and how they will appear on the screen.

We all brainstormed until we came up with four ways we want to incorporate the four credits we want to include in the beginning of our film opening. The first credit will appear while folding Margo is folding a shirt into her bag, before she runs away. The next one is the one I talked about in my previous blog post: the nail polish spilling. The third one will be one that one of our team mates came up with and we all loved it: putting the credits in a sign that is usually used to decorate bedrooms. This sign lights up and the letters on it can be rearranged whatever way we want to. I will include a picture of it below.
Image result for light box sign for bedroom 

The fourth and last idea we came up with to incorporate the credits in our film opening is the lipstick in the mirror that I also talked about previously. Moreover, we started wondering what order the credits should go in and for some reason none of were sure. Therefore, we each picked a show or movie and paid close attention to the credit order. I picked Friends and noticed it went in the following order: starring, producer, editor, and then director. Most of us found the same order so we decided to use this order. 

I will see you guys in the next blog, bye for now!


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