Running Into a Couple More Problems

Hey guys, welcome back! Sadly, we have run into some problems since the last post. We were supposed to finish all our school scenes on Thursday March 21st. This was the last day we could film since Paola, who is playing Margo, was leaving that day and was going to be gone all spring break. However, we completely forgot we had a group discussion in class that day and therefore we couldn’t film at all that day. We had to change our schedule to figure out a way to film the opening scenes without Paola.

Solution! One of our group members mentioned she had read somewhere that Reese Witherspoon, the main character of the movie Legally Blonde, was not available to film the opening scene of the movie so the director had put a stunt double in place since in none of the opening scenes, her face was shown. This is very similar to our situation so we can hopefully get away with the same solution. Our teammate Daniela is planning on posing as Paola in the opening scenes, where her face is not shown. She has to make sure everything matches, from her clothes to the length and color of her nails.

This will be a little difficult to achieve, but not impossible! I will let you guys know how this works out next time. Bye for now!


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