A Successful Peer Review!

Today in class we got into groups in order to get feedback and ideas from our peers. In just 10 minutes, I got so many new ideas to make our film opening more successful! I started sharing our main plot for the film opening and what we were thinking of doing. The people in my group gave me great feedback, which gave me great ideas to improve our film opening that if  I would have never thought about.

First of all, they reminded me that the purpose for this film opening is to start an actual movie, and that in those few minutes, it should give enough information to know what the rest of the movie is going to be. Therefore, having a girl and a guy running away is not enough. That is when I thought of making flashbacks, as the main character is running away, in order to explain WHY she is doing this. One great example that they shared with me was the flashback in the movie UP. In this part of the movie, Carl Fredricksen, the main character, has a flashback in which he remembers all the great memories he and his wife had before she passed away. With the help of a flashback, we can give the audience some backstory and explain why our main character, Margo, is running away from home.

The other great idea I thought of while talking to my peers was how the film opening was going to end. From the beginning, my group and I knew we wanted to create suspense with the ending of our film opening; but we didn't exactly know how to. I started thinking and talking to my peers and I came up with this: Margo and Liam, the main characters, have to completely change their identities in order to successfully run away and never be found. The scene that immediately came to my mind when I thought of this was actually not from a show or movie, but actually from a music video! Katy Perry's Part of Me music video is all about finding herself  after a painful breakup. In the video, there is a powerful scene in which she goes to a bathroom and cuts her hair and changes her clothes; giving herself a completely new identity.  

We took inspiration from this scene and wish to do something similar to this with both our characters as they take their first steps in starting a new life together. See you guys soon!:)


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