Filming Process

Hey guys! Since my last post, my group and I have talked more about the filming process, like where are we shooting, with what, who is going to appear in it, etc. Thankfully, two of our group members own a decent camera to film our video. We are also thinking of borrowing more professional equipment from our teacher if we need it later on. But for now, we are planning on making it work with what we have.

As for location, we wanted to shoot in Miami during the night. The bright lights, tall buildings and clear sky in Miami city help our story of a young girl running away be more intense. Life doesn't stop at night in Miami; therefore, it would not be a problem to shoot in the streets at night since there would still be decent lighting. Compared to Weston, where after a certain time, darkness and silence is all that there is left. Additionally, out story line is about  a girl who is running away from home because she does not feel welcomed or like she belongs there. Shooting in Miami city will be perfect for this since Miami city is not exactly a 'homey' place to live in.

As for who is going to appear in our film opening, we decided that one of our team members, Paola Toro, will be playing the main character. Since our film opening includes a male character, we have to find a guy willing to be in our film opening. This might be harder than we thought since the guy will have to commit to many days of shooting, which will take a good amount of his time. Hard but not impossible!


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